What causes superfluous hair?
The strenght of the hair root. This will determine the progress of treatment.
Is it uncomfortable?
As to the question of sensation, some people are more sensitive than others but most people who have had skilled treatments will agree that the discomfort is minimal and well worth it. There will be a stinging sensation which lasts for a fraction of a second. The percentage of people ceasing the treatment because of discomfort is minimal. The use of modern efficient equipment together with the skill of the practitioner keeps the discomfort to a minimum and you should find the treatment reasonably comfortable with the results far outweighing the sensation!
Prices for facial electrolysis
Up to 10 minutes - £25.00
Up to 25 minutes - £40.00
Up to 40 minutes - £55.00
Up to 55 minutes - £75.00
Pre-surgery site
Up to 55 minutes - £85.00
Contact details:
Tel: 07887 681817 julie.milroy@sky.com